Homosexual Mothers and a Crier for 07/01/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: I’m a Christian, and I believe homosexuality is a sin. My daughter is friends with a girl who is being raised by two mothers. They seem like perfectly nice people, but I do not approve of their lifestyle and do not want their choices to rub off on my child. Is it OK for me to not let her see her friend, or at least keep her from visiting her house? – Principles Mom

Dear Mom: You may be a Christian, but I don’t think you are upholding those values as much as I believe you could be. I don’t agree with you about homosexuality, but you are entitled to your beliefs and values. You may teach your children as you see fit. However, I don’t think you are practicing tolerance and acceptance. Imagine if the family with two mothers told their kid she shouldn’t play with your child because you are the sinner. How would you feel? Imagine how your child would feel. I’m guessing pretty crappy.

Updated: Sat Jul 01, 2017

Homosexual Mothers and a Crier for 07/01/2017