Bring Catherine to speak at your community.
Catherine started The Family Coach to help parents enjoy parenting more. One of her favorite coaching activities is to speak with parents in group. She has been brought in as a guest speaker for Parent/Teacher Associations, Parent Night at schools, Moms Night Out, Church and Synagogue trainings, Corporate Trainings, Family Education Days, and conferences all across the country. She offers presentations that are funny, practical and informative. You will leave the session with several new ideas that you can begin to use in your home.
On Kids and Technology
Kids can make good digital decisions. Here’s how…
Social Media, cellphones, our kids mental health
Self-care and smart phones: What kids and families need to know
Raising healthy smart digital citizens
Digital Education for Parents: What You Need to Know and How to Mentor Your Kids
On Parenting:
Ignore it!: Learning to Look the Other Way to Improve Behavior and Parenting Satisfaction
Ignore it! in the Classroom: Learning to Improve Classroom Behavior and Stop Bullying Outside of It
Realistic Expectations and Natural Consequences
Tackling Food Issues: How to Get Even the Pickiest Child to Eat Without a Power Struggle
Go to Sleep: The Importance of Sleep And How to Get It
Ready, Set, Go: Potty Training Without Losing Your Sanity
Positive Sibling Relationships: Encouraging from the Start And How To Fix It When It’s Off The Rails
Balancing Act: How Doing Less is Gaining More
Raising Independent Teens Who Are Ready for College: Adulting 101 for Parents
On Organ Donation and Kindness (Learn about Catherine’s kidney donation to a stranger here and here and here.)
Create a Culture of Kindness in your school or office
Why being kind to strangers makes everyone better #kindness
How to Start a Kindness Campaign #strangerkindness
On Being A Working Mother
Becoming A Mompreneur: Career Reinventing to Suit the Working Mom
From Concept to Proposal to Page: Becoming a Writer
“If there is one person I know who can solve the toughest of family problems, it is Catherine Pearlman as The Family Coach. She is the best investment you can make as a parent.” —Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Psychotherapist and Author of The Conscious Parent
“I invited Catherine to come speak at my FIT4MOM Stroller Strides class because I knew she could help our moms who were dealing with sleep training, potty training, toddler discipline, and picky eaters to just name a few. That first session was the beginning of an incredible journey for me and my moms in class. They now had a resource to consult when faced with these sticky milestone problems that no one teaches you how to handle as you fumble through child rearing. When Catherine speaks, you should listen because her advice is priceless!” –Kristen Riolo, Master Trainer, Fit4Mom
“Your presentation and information was incredible. There has been lots of chatter on the group about your talk and book. In fact, several guys have already been trying the techniques you taught us and are having great success. Your message was very impactful. We are incredibly grateful that you took the time to talk with us and share your expertise.” –Josh Bellish, President of National At-Home Dad Network
“Dr. Pearlman has the uncanny ability to pull from her personal and professional experiences to offer helpful, supportive advice regardless of the issue. She has an immensely calming presence, is incredibly wise and always looks at the positive side of the situation. I find it difficult not to go to her for advice.” — Jill Murray, LCSW, Director of Behavior Health, Veterans Health Administration
“I really enjoyed your last seminar. I found the information very useful and a fresh take on a lot of parenting advice I’ve heard before. I particularly found your advice about the power of praise and letting go of being bothered by your child’s little habits especially useful. We are putting your advice into practice at home and things are generally going well.” — Parent Attendee at Presentation
Previous Speaking Events
University Synagogue, Irvine, California
The Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors
Barnes & Noble
Stroller Strides
Junior League
Hawaiian International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii
The Park School, Baltimore, Maryland
Women in Leadership Conference, Pepperdine University, CA
Council on Social Work Education, Washington, DC
American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Boston, MA
Request Catherine to speak at your event, school or parent group: