A Slob and a Deliberately Unhelpful Daughter for 09/16/2017

A Slob and a Deliberately Unhelpful Daughter for 09/16/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My teen son is a slob, and it drives me insane. The other day I decided to help him clean up. It took us four hours, but everything had a place and the room was spotless. Not a day later, it was back to a disaster area. I was hurt and felt that he was disrespectful to me by not trying to keep his room clean. Am I wrong? – Tidy Mom

Dear Tidy: Yep, you are wrong. Your son didn’t mess up his room to spite you. He’s just a slob. It’s what comes naturally to him. He likely doesn’t even see his room as messy. You see a disorganized mess. I assure you sees it differently.

Updated: Sat Sep 16, 2017

A Slob and a Deliberately Unhelpful Daughter for 09/16/2017

Gifts Giving and Receiving for 09/15/2017

Gifts Giving and Receiving for 09/15/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: A friend visited recently and brought a toy for both of my children. The 5-year-old received an awesome puzzle, and the 3-year-old received a dolphin bath toy. Unfortunately, my older son became obsessed with his brother’s dolphin. He pushed his gift aside and obsessed over the dolphin. I tried to get them to share, but it became a source of constant bickering and tantrums for my older son. In the end, I took it away, but that felt unfair. What should I have done? – Caught Mom

Dear Caught: How sweet that your friend brought the boys gifts. How sad that your oldest ruined the moment for everyone. But really, he isn’t to blame. You are. The good news is that you can easily undo the damage so it doesn’t happen again.

Updated: Fri Sep 15, 2017

Gifts Giving and Receiving for 09/15/2017

Play Dates With a Stay-At-Home Dad and a Stinky Teen for 09/09/2017

Play Dates With a Stay-At-Home Dad and a Stinky Teen for 09/09/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: I’m a stay-at-home dad, and most of my play dates have been with other dads so far. But I’m becoming friends with moms, too. We all have one big thing in common, but I just feel like it might be a little odd at first. If I invite a mom over with her child, are there certain things I should do as a Dad to sort of, I don’t know, make them feel comfortable? – Dad

Dear Dad: In this day and age, moms and dads are clearly taking on more similar child-rearing roles. More and more often, dads are organizing the social calendar, and that means interacting with the moms. Treat play dates with a mom friend just like you would a dad friend. You may not become best friends with all of the mothers, but if you are yourself, you will find those who will feel comfortable around you.

Updated: Sat Sep 09, 2017

Play Dates With a Stay-At-Home Dad and a Stinky Teen for 09/09/2017

Potential Football Injuries and Stealing a Candy Bar for 09/08/2017

Potential Football Injuries and Stealing a Candy Bar for 09/08/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: I allowed my son to play high school football last year because he’s a former soccer player, and the coach said he needed him to kick and punt. I was comfortable with that, and he had a great time. This year, however, the coach wants him to be the backup quarterback. My son is thrilled, of course. Football terrifies me because of the roughness and potential for long-term injuries like concussions. Would it be cruel to say no? – Cautious

Dear Cautious: I have a strong opinion here. Too many parents blindly sign their kids up for football without a moment’s thought to the high potential for irreparable injury. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that 110 out of 111 former NFL players whose brains were donated to scientific research after death had chronic traumatic encephalopathy, or CTE, a fancy name for brain damage. While evidence is mounting about the impact on younger players, the same study reported that 21 percent of high school players and 91 percent of college players also showed CTE.

Updated: Fri Sep 08, 2017

Potential Football Injuries and Stealing a Candy Bar for 09/08/2017

What I Won’t Miss About Elementary School


A black and white image of the letters f, g, h, l, m, n.

1st Day of School 2013

This year my kids both moved up schools. My son is now a 6th grader in middle school and my daughter is in 9th at a new high school. The other day I drove by the local elementary school and thought I would feel a pang of sadness to be finished with that part of my kids’ lives. Turns out I felt the exact opposite. All I could think about was what I wouldn’t miss from elementary school.

I’m not in a rush for my kids to grow up. In fact, I’m really enjoying them right now. My daughter is solidly in the teen years, and she’s more delightful than ever. And watching my son develop slowly into the young man he will become is beautiful. I mean it. When they were babies my husband and I wondered what our kids would be. Now it’s becoming clearer, and it’s really cool to watch. Sure, sometimes I miss the little baby smell and the feeling of an exhausted toddler limp on my shoulder (Oh, that’s delicious.). Mostly, though, I’m good right where we are.

Inspired by the new school year, here is my list of six things I will not miss about elementary school.

Walking my kids to their classroom. Sorry, but I’m not a morning person. Not. At. All. Most days at drop off I’m in my pajamas with sleep still stuck in my eyes. I don’t want to make pleasantries with the other parents who look ready for the day. No, I want to stay in my car. Then, I want to head home to put my feet up, turn on the Housewives and sip a cup of tea to slowly start my day.

Buying 60 pencils: I never minded buying extra supplies for the classroom for kids who might not have enough. And I never minded sending my kids in with cleaning supplies and tissues so little Melanie didn’t dribble snot on my kid. What I never really understood were some of the items that were asked for but barely used (I’m talking about the 4th composition notebook that had three pages of writing in it) or the crazy quantities that could never have been used. For several years I had to supply 60 sharpened pencils. I cannot conceive of any possibility that my child, even sharing with friends, could consume 60 pencils in 9 months.

Projects that require supervision. I went to school for 22 years. I’ve done my time and my homework. I don’t want any more. And I don’t want to help my kids with their projects either. Most elementary school projects cannot be completed by the child alone. My kids didn’t know how to use the computer to Google, they couldn’t shop for required supplies on their own, and they couldn’t use the hot glue gun. So, their projects became my projects too. I’m done with that.

The 100-day project: Do not even get me started on this one. Every year for the 100th day of school all of the kids are assigned the same project. Find 100 items and make a picture with those items to celebrate the most insignificant day of the year. This might be a fun and educational project for kids in kindergarten or even 1st grade. But by the time 5th grade rolls around, believe me, all the kids can all count to 100. Pasting 100 Jelly Belly candies or Cheerios on a paper won’t drive the point home any further.

Ridiculously early dismissal every Thursday or the arbitrary half days. I love spending time with my kids. I really do. But I also have to work and so does my husband. When schools end every Thursday at 12:50 pm (yup, that’s right after lunch) it’s impossible to get any work done. In order to be at the crazy pick up line by 12:50 I need to leave the house by 12:35. That means I need to be in the shower by 12. I probably will need to eat something because I’m a bear if I don’t so that takes me to 11:45. By the time I’m back from drop off (even if I skip the housewives) that leaves me not even four hours of work. This doesn’t even take into account the half days that seem to crop up more and more for no reason. A half day dismissal is at 11:50. UGH! I will not miss those days.

The playground: It doesn’t rain in southern California. Like, at all. Without rain the asphalt-topped playground is the dirtiest place on earth. When I would pick up my son his hands looked like he worked in the coal mine for hours. No one ever told him, “Hey kid, you look kind of dirty, go wash your hands.” So my son had the black gunk on his face, hands, clothes and I’m sure he even ate his lunch like that. Gross.


Unsupervised Play and Losing Friends for 09/02/2017

Unsupervised Play and Losing Friends for 09/02/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My children are grown now, but I feel deeply concerned by the hypervigilance that I see in today’s parenting style. Playing unsupervised and out of sight of adults, and simply spending time alone (outdoors mostly) was crucial to my childhood years and my children’s early years. Do you consider it a problem that today’s children are growing up with almost no chance for unsupervised play and/or being alone? – Home Alone

Dear Alone: The days when parents said “be home by dinner” are long gone. Sadly, children today rarely have time to just play, let alone do it unsupervised. Most kids are booked solid with homework, tutors, sports, piano and karate. For most kids, unstructured playtime is lost by middle school.

Updated: Sat Sep 02, 2017

Unsupervised Play and Losing Friends for 09/02/2017

Obnoxious Teen Revolts and a Reasonable Curfew for 09/01/2017

Obnoxious Teen Revolts and a Reasonable Curfew for 09/01/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My wife and I have four kids ranging in age from 10 to 16 years old. Everyone is so busy. I wanted to have one night of the week when we are all together for game night. Everyone is excited about it except for my oldest. At 16, he’d rather be with his friends on Friday night. Every time we try to get together, he is incredibly obnoxious and rude, and after a while we dismiss him because he is ruining it for everyone. Should we let him out of the family night or continue to require it regardless of his behavior? – Gamers

Dear Gamers: Jee, I wonder why your son acts up on game night. Could it be because he’s learned that being obnoxious helps him avoid annoying family time? Of course he’d rather be with his friends. For teens, their friends are their world. Sorry, folks, you aren’t it anymore. Accept you son’s desire to want to fly the coup. Allow it. But don’t let him flee without a tether to bring him back sometimes.

Updated: Fri Sep 01, 2017

Obnoxious Teen Revolts and a Reasonable Curfew for 09/01/2017

Buying A Car and Gender Roles

A black and white image of the letters f, g, h, l, m, n.

With my 2017 Hyundai Santa Fe.


Growing up there were three ways I learned that gender roles are fluid.

1. My mother worked for most of my early years. As a child, I probably couldn’t tell you what she did at her job. But I knew she worked on computers (still a male dominated field) and that most of the other mothers didn’t work.

2. Free to Be You and Me repeatedly told me that girls could do whatever they wanted and could be as competent doing it as boys.

3. My father taught me to be handy. He only had girls so passing down his knowledge to his sons wasn’t an option. I learned from my dad how to use power tools, hang stuff and wire and fix stuff around the house.

I never really thought much about gender roles as a kid but I do often as an adult. Throughout my adult life there have been times when I went out of my way to learn or do something that was typically done by men. I drove the 15 passenger van at work. I carve the turkey at Thanksgiving. I am the one who put together the bed from IKEA that took six hours. I hook up the televisions. And, I buy the cars.

This week for the 7th time in my marriage, I bought (or leased) a car. Being able to go into a dealer and competently buy a car was important to me. Just like carving the turkey, in my mind, this was something men do. They buy the family cars. So before my husband and I bought our first car 17 years ago I read everything I could about being a smart consumer. I listened to audio books and podcasts over the years. I learned to price out apples to apples and ask for my price. I learned how to play the dealers game. My husband, who is the most comfortable gender non-conformer, loves to come for the ride. He’s not bothered by his role. He loves to see me demolish the dealer and get the best possible deal for the car.

This time though we brought the kids along for some of the car shopping. They were able to see the process. What they saw was their mother in action and their father taking a step back. They enjoyed the free snacks and drinks the various dealerships had to offer. It was a good time.

But over the course of the week my son asked me a lot of questions about how to buy a car. My daughter didn’t say much about it. It suddenly felt really important to continue to show my kids that gender roles are socially created concepts and that there is nothing that either one of them can’t do. Seeing my son clearly get the message that women buy cars too might seem inconsequential. And it is. But also, it isn’t.

As a society, we often rightly focus our energy on teaching girls they can do anything. But we don’t spend enough time also sending the same message to boys. Boys need know that girls can do anything. Boys should see women doing what they presume men do. They should see women truck drivers and plumbers and construction workers. Boys need to see their mothers buying cars and fixing things and carving the turkey. Sure it’s important to show boys that men do laundry (thank you Jeff Pearlman for conquering this one) and school pick up and diaper care. That’s all important so that boys grow up knowing how to share the load.

It’s equally important though, for mothers to teach their sons what women can do. I felt like this week I took a step forward in that area. And it felt great.

A Late-Night Suicide Threat for 08/26/2017

A Late-Night Suicide Threat for 08/26/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: Last night, my 16-year old snuck out of the house with friends at 2 a.m. They were on a mission to help a girl who was threatening suicide. My son did call me after they called the police. But I don’t know why he got involved, and I’m not all right with him sneaking out. How should I reprimand him? – Dad

Dear Dad: Your son’s heart was in the right place. It’s important to remember that. He risked getting in trouble to help another teen fight through a hard time. There’s something to be said for that kind of compassion. Lots of kids would just gossip about a depressed girl. Your son acted to obtain some help. Let him know that you think it’s pretty amazing.

Updated: Sat Aug 26, 2017

A Late-Night Suicide Threat for 08/26/2017

A Basement Hangout and a Dead Cellphone for 08/25/2017

A Basement Hangout and a Dead Cellphone for 08/25/2017
Dear Family Coach

Dear Family Coach: My 16-year-old son has a girlfriend, and her mom does not allow them to be alone at my house. They prefer to hang out in our finished basement, but I don’t want to keep going down there. Should I tell them they can’t go down there or tell the mom I can’t watch them every single second? – Stuck in the Middle

Dear Stuck: I have mixed feelings on this one. Dating teens certainly need supervision. But honestly, where there’s a will, there’s a way. Even with constant supervision in the home, the kids will go to the beach or the park or just spend more time in the car to find alone time. There is no way to completely oversee their time together.

Updated: Fri Aug 25, 2017

A Basement Hangout and a Dead Cellphone for 08/25/2017